Bonds Portfolio
The Bonds portfolio seeks to invest in fixed income from the North American market in a diversified manner. The objective of this portfolio is to generate a highly diversified investment in fixed income through Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s), that is, investment funds traded on the stock exchange.
Using 2 positions, you try to create exposure to bonds with different characteristics in terms of maturity, rating, yield, risk, etc.
This is an investment strategy suitable for those investors with a medium/low risk profile (2), that is, investors who mainly concentrate on achieving a modest appreciation of their portfolio, with minimal losses and low volatility. Typically a conservative investor is someone who is willing to accept some level of risk and/or volatility.
12 month performance *
Minimum investment
12 month performance *
Minimun investment
*Includes management costs, does not include tax withholdings.
5 years performance
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Invest in Bonds in a diversified way through ETFs.
It is a portfolio that generates dividends.
It is a passive and disciplined investment.
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- 80% Investment Grade American Bonds
- 20% High Yield American Bonds
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