US Stocks, ETFs
and CFDs

Here you will find the prices and main trading conditions of the most traded products at Saks Global.

US Stocks, ETFs and CFDs

Here you will find the rates and main operating conditions of the most traded products at Saks Global.

Acciones, ETFs

Here you will find the prices and main trading conditions of the most traded products at Saks Global.

Keep in mind that from your investment platform you can view all operating and margin conditions in the “Account” section under the “Trading conditions” menu.

Trading conditions
per product

Keep in mind that from your investment platform you can view all operating and margin conditions in the “Account” section under the “Trading conditions” menu.

Trading conditions
per product

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Please note that not all our products and services are available in every country.
Saiba que nem todos nossos produtos e serviços estão disponíveis para todos os países.
Sepa que ni todos nuestros productos y servicios estan disponíbles para todos los países.

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