Invest globally with SAKS's expert portfolios.
Investing doesn’t require constant stock picking, frequent trading, or monitoring market fluctuations.
SAKS Global simplifies investing, freeing up your time to focus on supporting your clients while their money works for them.
Invest globally with SAKS's expert portfolios.
Investing doesn’t require constant stock picking, frequent trading, or monitoring market fluctuations.
SAKS Global simplifies investing, freeing up your time to focus on supporting your clients while their money works for them.
Our portfolios
SAKS Global offers portfolios with pre-defined strategies tailored to your investment preferences.
Enjoy a seamless investment experience without the need for frequent buying or selling, backed by comprehensive support from our expert team.
Variable Income
Fixed Income
High risk
Yield Portfolio
Invierte en Empresas del índice S&P500 que estén asociadas a pagos de dividendos históricamente altos
Minimum Investment
Moderate risk
Balanced Portfolio
Invertir en activos de diferentes clases y regiones basándose en la premisa de invertir 50% en activos de Renta Variable o similares y 50% en activos de Renta Fija
Inversión Minima
Low risk
Bonds Portfolio
Seeks to generate a highly diversified investment in fixed income
Minimum Investment
Our Portfolios
SAKS Global offers portfolios with pre-defined strategies tailored to your investment preferences.
Enjoy a seamless investment experience without the need for frequent buying or selling, backed by comprehensive support from our expert team.
Variable Income
Fixed Income
Yield Portfolio
Invests in companies in the S&P500 index, which are associated with historically high dividend payouts.
Minimum Investment
Balanced Portfolio
Invests in assets of different classes and regions based on the premise of investing 50% in Variable Income assets or similar and 50% in Fixed Income assets
Minimum Investment
Low risk
Bonds Portfolio
Seeks to generate a highly diversified investment in fixed income
Minimum Investment
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